"None of the professionals I contacted had heard of Sanitred. The guy I originally hired to resurface the pool and decking actually caused the problem by raising the water level and not sealing the cold joint between the pool and the decking. The higher water level needed to reach the skimmer resulted in water leaking out of the pool to the surrounding areas.This guy tried a popular concrete-based product but to no avail…after 14 months. After a threatened lawsuit and settlement, I decided to do the work myself. The Permaflex and TAV/LRB mixture seemed worth trying.While not the simplest products to use, if you tackle weekend projects around the house, you can successfully use Sanitred. After 4 months of increasing temperatures in AZ, the flexibility of Sanitred is just what was needed to seal the cold joint between the pool and the decking. Great product, no leaks."
-JB | Scottsdale, AZ
"I want you to know how pleased I am with the outcome of my 60 year old pool repair using your product. Feel free to use me as a reference."
-T Klash
"We had almost given up hope that the 30 yr old concrete pool we inherited would ever be usable. It was just nasty green all the time and leaked gallons each day.We got an estimate from the one company who would even agree to talk to us about repairing and renovating the pool of $5K to $8K and they weren’t enthusiastic at all.I stumbled across your website and decided we had nothing to lose but to try it or fill the pool in. We are absolutely thrilled with the results! We not only saved thousands of dollars but we did all the work ourselves.It took a long weekend with just my husband and myself doing the work, from draining to powerwashing to applying the product. We used the recommended pool paint which was a little hard to work with but the finished pool is now an asset to our property instead of a black lagoon of an eyesore."
"Just a note from a satisfied customer. We used your concrete patching agents on our pool; painted it and have had no problems since then. The permaflex, lrb and tav was easy to use and the application went exactly as your fine staff said it would. Your support team is excellent and answered every question at every step of the way for me. Too often we forget to say thank you to those who help us; please accept this big thank you from us. Our pool has been full of water for over a month now and we are using it regularly. I would recommend your products and your company to anyone, anytime."
-Jim Burroughs
Thank you so much for your concern, help and professionalism when I was learning of your product and quizzing your staff. My pool was less than a year old and had already developed cracks caused by ground water and a contractor that wasn’t licensed to build pools (20/20). This product is nothing short of a miracle. It seemed a bit intimidating until I popped the top off of the bucket and started applying it. It’s so simple! Luckily I had enough left to give my front porch a coat also. It had been leaking into the basement every time it rained since the day we moved in. Guess what!!! This product is awesome!'
-Sandy Parney
"We moved to a home with a 25yr old concrete/fiberglass pool. Last season we lost 5-6" of water weekly. This year it would not hold water. I received estimates of $12,000-$15,000 to have a company come in & and do a swimming pool repair. I followed Sani-Tred's instructions, removing all paint, caulk, & cement patching. I had cracks 2"x7' down to hairline & 3 holes 1" in diameter. I applied the Sani-Tred products, painted my pool & it looks AMAZING! This company was so helpful, answering my many questions (Thanks Donna).I liked the product so much I used it to repair my concrete pool deck, & steps to the front of my house. Not only was I thrilled with the outcome, but also the price! I repaired & painted the pool, pool deck & steps for an affordable, $1700.00!"
-Brad Hall
"We have a 20 x 40 foot in-ground pool that existed when we bought our house in 1980. I believe it was installed in the mid 1970’s. The upper 3 ½ feet of the wall was fiberglass panels and the rest of the pool was poured concrete. The diving area is about 9 feet deep, with the shallow third about 3 1/4 feet. About 4 years ago it started losing water, and we had to add quite a lot every few days. The next year it was worse, with water needed daily. We then stopped using it and it remained about half full (mostly the deep end) for a couple of years.My wife got tired of looking out our sliding doors at the mess, and wanted to get rid of it. Early this year we were seriously considering removing the pool and filling the hole to plant grass. My daughter found the “Sani-Tred” web site, so we investigated that approach. I saw them doing another pool, and it looked good. The pool was drained entirely, pressure washed, and pictures were taken to aid in quoting the restoration. There were extensive cracks across the floor, particularly in the shallow end, and others part way down the concrete sides of the deep end.We decided to try their approach. The pool was sandblasted, and then coated with one coat of Perma-Flex. The cracks were then sealed with LRB/TAV mixture (Liquid Rubber Base, Thickening Activator), as were the joints between the fiberglass panels. Another coat of Perma-Flex was then added, after which the pool was painted. We now have a like-new pool, which holds water just fine. In fact you cannot even see where the cracks were. I certainly would recommend this treatment to any pool owner that is having crack or leak problems."
-Art Anderson
"Our swimming pool was losing 2-3 inches of water a day. We had two different pool companies attempt to fix the leaks. Neither was successful. By the time I found your website our pool looked like “Frankenstein” with all of it’s deep cracks and fissures. Your ad intrigued me – it referenced the ability to fix leaks in swimming pools that previously were deemed hopeless. Your pictures and descriptions of how to do the work encouraged me and my family to attempt to repair our swimming pool ourselves. We hired someone to remove the old caulking and to grind out the big cracks. Then we hired another company to sandblast the pool (I’m no spring chicken – I’m 58 years old and decided to leave the really heavy labor to people who do it best). Now it was time to plunge ahead. My wife, myself, and my son read the directions and followed them step by step. Once we got into it, the process wasn’t nearly as intimidating as it seemed before we began. The materials you sent were all plainly labeled the directions easy to follow. We are thrilled with the end result. I highly recommend Sani-Tred to anyone who has been in a situation where it seems like you’re facing a hopeless cause. Now my family can enjoy a beautiful sound pool, plus we can take pride in the fact that we fixed a problem that the “pros” were unable to correct."
-Stu Cassell
"I patched up some major cracks last spring in my pool. The Sani-Tred system works. I’ll need to load up with more of it on some areas where I did not apply as much as I should have. I believe the Liquid Rubber Base and the PermaFlex properly applied can prohibit me from having to destroy our 22 year old pool."
-John M. Elk
"Just a short note to say thanks, I used your products last year to seal a crack on 3 sides of my pool. Previously I had tried various other means over a 3 year period but could not stop it; in fact it got worse each year. Up to now the repair has been 100% leak proof. I look forward to another leak proof year."
-Tony Keeping
"Have used the product on my pool and have had excellent results…sealed all the leaks and easy to use, etc. Thank you for your professional service from your sales dept. Would recommend the product to anyone with pool problems."
-Rodger Robinson
"Several years ago we purchased a home with an aging forty-plus year old in-ground concrete pool. We began having more serious problems with cracks and were consistently losing 1-2 inches of water per day. We first attempted emptying and patching ourselves with hydraulic cement. The next year the cracks were back and new ones as well. That year we spent several thousand dollars having a local “professional” come in to “fix” the cracks and repaint the pool. The next year the old cracks reappeared and further new ones as well. I was then exploring last-ditch options (including trying a pool liner or just filling it in as many of our neighbors with similar vintage pools have chosen to do) when I happened upon the Sani-Tred web site. At that point I figured trying your product was worth a shot, especially compared to the high costs of any of my other options. I ordered your product and re-patched all my cracks (some of them fairly significant). Our water leak problem was immediately resolved last summer, and I am extremely happy to say that the winter has passed and that my cracks have not re-appeared! I am excited about being able to look forward to many years of continued use of the pool. I was skeptical at first regarding the ability of any product to solve my crack and leakage woes, but now am a true believer and would enthusiastically recommend your product to anyone in a similar situation."
-Scott Campbell
"We have a pool with a waterfall and had the Sani-Tred system applied through a Sani-Tred application crew. We are very pleased with the overall appearance of the pool, and every aspect of the problem areas were resolved. We were also very pleased with the performance of the crew, and how they kept us informed about the stages of the application, their cleanup, etc. I would recommend the Sani-Tred system to anyone who would need waterproofing. The best part of the Sani-Tred system is that it is aesthetically beautiful…wonderful! It filled cracks that we thought were unrepairable! Beautiful!!"