How Radon Gas Enters Homes
Radon mitigation is important because radon is an odorless, colorless, tasteless radioactive gas that forms from the decay of radioactive elements, such as uranium, in rocks and soil throughout the world. Scientists and doctors have proven that it causes cancer. In fact, the Surgeon General has warned that radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer in the United States today. Only smoking causes more lung cancer deaths. If you smoke and your home has high radon levels, your risk of lung cancer is especially high.
Normally, some of the radon produced in the ground migrates to the surface and becomes a natural part of the air we breathe. Under certain conditions radon may seep into buildings through cracks and other openings in the foundation walls and floor and accumulate to very high concentrations. Radon dissolved in the groundwater may also enter a home through the water supply system and contribute to the overall concentration of radon in the indoor air.
Radon Facts from the EPA
- Radon is responsible for 21,000 lung cancer deaths a year in the US
- Radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer
- 1 in 15 homes in the US has elevated radon levels
SANI-TRED with RADON SHIELD™ is Your Best Radon Elimination Value Anywhere, and We’re Willing to Prove It!
Completely Waterproof your Basement and Protect Your Family from Radon at the Same Time! Two Lifetime warranties in one! Basement Waterproofing with Radon Elimination. Transform wet, dusty, damp, dangerous, unusable basement space in your home into one of the driest and cleanest parts of your home!
Proven by years of experience and thousands of customers, Sanitred products are solvent free, non-hazardous and non-flammable. The Sanitred system uses three products: PermaFlex®, LRB (Liquid Rubber Base) and TAV (Thickening Activator).
Permaflex, LRB (Liquid Rubber Base), and TAV (Thickening Activator)
Permaflex is the top coat that seals basement walls and floors. It’s also functions as a first priming coat when using LRB (Liquid Rubber Base) and TAV (Thickening Activator). The priming coat fills pores, pock holes & pinholes in the substrate.
These two products work together to patch and profile any joints, seams, cracks, holes or rough areas. Products are packaged separately because different mixes are required for different applications. For example, a 1-inch diameter caulk bead of LRB/TAV (1 part TAV, 2 parts LRB) mixture is applied where the wall meets the floor.
Using, ordering and installing the Sani-Tred system
We provide all the tools you need to take on a radon elimination job. The links below have everything you need to get started.
- Detailed Installation instructions
- Basement calculator (to determine how much sealer you need for the job)
- How Much Radon Is Too Much?
- Sani-Tred Radon Test Results
- Radon Health Effects Infographic
Do It Yourself Radon Elimination and Basement Waterproofing System Combined!
SANI-TRED is the only problem radon elimination system available today. All other companies and systems ‘mitigate radon’, in other words attempt to reduce radon by redirecting it before it enters or after it already enters the basement. DIY radon mitigation systems and radon abatement systems are indirect and ineffective methods of dealing with intruding problem radon gas. Radon gas can enter the basement along with water, moisture and vapor. Radon remediation systems are not intended to stop radon, water, moisture or vapor therefore your basement will still be left susceptible. Radon gas removal system and radon reduction is a thing of the past. We eliminate NOT mitigate.
The Definition of Mitigation: To act in such a way as to cause a condition or offense to seem less serious or to make less severe or milder.
The Definition of Abatement: Reduction or interruption in the intensity or amount of something.
With SANI-TRED waterproofing products you will NOT mitigate, you’ll ELIMINATE! Sani-Tred products stop problem radon i n its tracks forever regardless of the current condition of the basement. Sani-Tred products do not work some of the time or most of the time, it works EVERY TIME. Sani-Tred’s Unique Product Qualities are: Flexible Penetration®, Permanent Elongation®, and Elongation Memory®
How To Eliminate Radon from Your Basement Step by Step
The following steps will show you How to Radon Proof a Basement with SANI-TRED®.
Products Needed for DIY Radon Mitigation: PermaFlex®, LRB (Liquid Rubber Base) and TAV (Thickening Activator)
- Prepare the surface area for waterproofing. Make sure the walls of the surface area are clean, dry and free of foreign matter or crumbling material.
- Prime the surface area. Apply one coat of PermaFlex (240 sq. ft. per gal.)
-- Concrete block requires two prime coats of PermaFlex due to its porous nature. - Patch and profile any joints, seams, cracks, holes or any rough areas using a LRB/TAV mixture (two parts LRB/one part TAV).
-- Apply a 1’’ diameter caulk bead mixture where the wall meets the floor.
-- Most cracks can be filled with a ¾” diameter caulk bead mixture. - Apply a topcoat of PermaFlex (240 sq. ft. per gal.).
For detailed instructions on how basement radon mitigation system works, including images and a how-to video, view our full installation page.
Order A Mini Sample Pack
Try Before You Buy. Give Sani-Tred a try and order our Sample Packs which come with an Unconditional Money Back Guarantee.