Manhole Sealing Profit Potential

Wholesale Distributors and Applicators Wanted in over 200 Countries World-Wide! There are very few available business opportunities in municipal construction with such a high rate of return. Manhole sealing is very profitable with SANI-TRED®.

Preparing the interior of a manhole
Manhole interior after smoothing out LRB TAV mixture
After waterproofing the interior of a manhole
Manhole after sealing the ring

QUESTION: What's the catch? Where's the downside? ANSWER: Your not involved with SANI-TRED!

The above "manhole price per unit installed" represents the high-to-low average for manhole 18" chimneys in the US in US Dollars. A 24" tall chimney would be priced @ 1-1/2 times, a 36"@ double, etc.

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