Remodeling a bathroom can be a daunting, yet rewarding project. Many rooms in your home require attention and the occasional remodel, but none can be quite as important as your bathroom. Though many don’t think much about it, a bathroom is an essential part of any home and serves multiple purposes in your every day life. While a bedroom can be a place to relax after a long day, and a kitchen can provide hearty meals to family and guests alike, a bathroom provides just as much, if not more. A good bathroom includes a shower that can be a calm oasis among a busy lifestyle, a toilet to allow personal time to read or contemplate, and a sink to make sure you go back out into the world clean and ready to take on the day.
So if your bathroom isn’t as relaxing or functioning the way you’d like, it may be time for a remodel. Bathroom remodeling, like all remodeling, is quite an undertaking and shouldn’t be entered into lightly. But if you know what you want (or are willing to find out), a bathroom remodel could be right for you. In that spirit, here are common bathroom remodeling tips for renovating your bathroom.
DO make (and follow) a design plan. You should determine exactly what you want out of your bathroom, pick a design that meets those needs, and stick to it. This includes a realistic budget. While a designer real marble floor may sound amazing, be realistic about what you’re able to afford and plan accordingly.
DO focus on lighting. Lighting is essential to any bathroom. Think of all the things you do in your bathroom. How many of them can you confidently do in the dark? While good natural light is ideal, if that’s not part of the design, be sure to add interior lighting so you can see exactly what you’re doing, day or night.
DO waterproof. Bathrooms use a lot of water. Showers, toilets, sinks, all use water to run. But the key to a good bathroom remodel is making sure the water is ONLY going to where it’s intended. Leaks in a bathroom can damage floors, rot walls, allow mold, mildew, and fungus growth, and can cause all kind of other problems, all of which are avoidable with proper waterproofing.
SANI-TRED can waterproof any surface in a very short period of time. The seal is waterproof and permanent, something that will undoubtedly benefit your bathroom for years to come.
DO go green. Eco-friendly products are excellent ideas to consider. Green products are stylish, affordable, and safe not only for the environment, but also for your health. Eco-friendly products have expanded greatly in the past few years and can now be found at many home improvement stores. These products are often made of recycled material, contain no toxic chemicals, are low in VOC, and are overall better options than standard manufactured products.
SANI-TRED is low VOC and can not only do the job, but also be eco-friendly. That’s good for you and good for your bathroom.
DO make sure your bathroom is properly ventilated. Mold, mildew, and fungus thrive in hot, wet environments and an improperly vented bathroom is a perfect storm for these conditions. Not only are mold and fungus bad for your bathroom, they’re bad for your health. To save your bathroom and yourself, be sure to properly ventilate your bathroom and make sure air can circulate properly.
DON’T overestimate your skill level. Be honest with yourself before you start a bathroom remodel and admit what you can and cannot do yourself. There’s no shame in bringing in a professional to perform a task you’re not experienced enough to do. If it’s too big for you, hire a contractor. It’s better that it’s done right, not who did it.
DON’T move the plumbing. Remodeling any room can be exciting and lead to new ideas on how you want things to look. But keep in mind that a bathroom is not just any room, its furniture is fixed in place and also has plumbing to deal with. The fixtures are there because the plumbing feeds out to those areas, and any attempt to move those fixtures means you also have to move the plumbing. The minute you start moving plumbing, your remodel will become much more expensive. You’re better off either fixing or replacing fixtures where they are.
DON’T make it complicated. Keep your remodel simple and clean. Complicated remodels are often costly and can leave you with a bathroom design that is over-budget and odd looking. Be sure to keep your design plan in mind and go about the remodel in a simple way. The end result will look a lot better than a more expensive project with clashing styles and colors.
DON’T order all your materials online. While the internet can be a great place to buy building materials for low prices, don’t get into the habit of buying everything on the web. Some materials like shower tiles, sinks, or countertops need to seen and felt in person for you to truly understand how they’ll fit in your bathroom. Ordering some objects for your bathroom sight-unseen is risky and can end up being a costly mistake or a begrudging compromise.