Recently Dennis Olsen a commercial roofing contractor for 23 years, got presented a unique opportunity by one of his customers.
One of Virginia’s premier 4-season resorts is building a very large deck out the side of the main ski lodge. However, there was a building with an “A” frame roof right in the path. Several huge concerns came up… What type of flat roof to put up there and how to redo or recoat the roof when it becomes necessary because there will only be 7″ of clearance once the deck is built. Dennis suggested 3/4″ T&G boards be installed with a slight slope off the back.
Because it was a deck, there wouldn’t be any sunlight which could be both good and bad. Re-coating would require taking up deck boards and working between them while keeping people safely away from the hole. Because of what was inside the building, even one drop of water would have messed up a ton of things.
With several other top-notch roofing systems available to be applied, the idea of a possible recoat or tear off and re-do became the launching pad for the SANI-TRED system for roofing. With a lifetime guarantee and a product that will outlast the structure itself, it became evident that our liquid rubber roof repair product is what was needed.
Dennis’ customer scoured over the site looking at the products, guarantees, longevity, etc before he got the go ahead. He completed the ski lodge flat liquid roof repair project with two layers of SANI-TRED’s Permaflex with an LRB (Liquid Rubber Base) flood coat at 40 mils in between for a fully adhered, beautiful 60 mil thick roof.