Pros and Cons of a Home Sauna

There are pros and cons of owning a home sauna or building a sauna in your basement. Saunas are a relaxing retreat to calm the mind and rest the body. Once only seen as a staple of health clubs or pet projects of millionaires, more and more regular middle class people are starting to enjoy the luxury of a home sauna. The home sauna is a nice option for those who want to relax in their own home but don’t have the money or space to install something larger like a pool. Before you start building your home sauna, here are some items to consider.


  • Relaxing- A DIY home sauna is a great place to relax in your own home without the need for costly home improvement or installations. Saunas are a great place to unwind after a long, hard day.


  • Many Options– Home saunas come in all shapes and sizes and can be built with a number of materials. They can burn wood, use steam, or infrared, can be built in basements or above ground, whatever you want your sauna to be.


  • Encourages a Healthy Lifestyle– A sauna can also encourage you to have a healthier lifestyle. Saunas help you relax, relieve tired muscles, and can cleanse toxins out of your body. This leads to a much healthier, much happier, much more relaxed life.


  • Can Damage Your Home– The downside of home saunas is that they can actually damage your home if you’re not careful. Wood burning and steam saunas create a lot of moisture as result. If this moisture isn’t vented properly, it will lead to mold and mildew in your home, which you should avoid at all costs.


  • Costly to Install– Home saunas may not cost as much as an in-ground pool, but they are still rather costly to install. Installation costs can vary due to materials used, size and shape of the sauna, and even where it’s built in your house.


  • Costly to Maintain– In addition to installation costs, saunas also require costly maintenance to keep clean and free from mold and mildew, which can damage your sauna and your health.


  • Fuel Cost– Another cost of your basement sauna is fuel. Whether it’s wood or electricity, you’re responsible for paying to keep it running. Keep this cost in mind when deciding on whether or not to build a sauna in your home.
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